"In Europa ci sono già i presupposti per l'esplosione di un conflitto sociale. Questo è il seme del malcontento, dell'egoismo e della disperazione che la classe politica e la classe dirigente hanno sparso. Questo è terreno fertile per la xenofobia, la violenza, il terrorismo interno, il successo del populismo e dell'estremismo politico."

mercoledì 31 luglio 2019

Eurostat: oggi il 43,7% degli italiani non può permettersi 1 settimana di vacanza

28% of Europeans can't afford a 1 week annual holiday

For many people in the European Union (EU), summer means holidays and travel. However, it is estimated that 28.3% of the EU population aged 16 or over could not afford a one-week annual holiday away from home in 2018. In 2013 the corresponding proportion was 39.5%.
Among the 28 EU Member States, the countries with the highest proportions of individuals in this situation were Romania (58.9%), Croatia (51.3%, provisional data), Greece (51%) and Cyprus (51.0%, provisional data).

In contrast, the EU Member States with the lowest percentage of people unable to afford a one week annual holiday in 2018 were Luxembourg (10.9%, 2017 data) and Sweden (9.7%).
The source dataset is Eurostat table ilc_mdes02.
Over the last five years, the largest falls in the proportion unable to afford a one-week annual holiday away from home were in Bulgaria (down 35.8 percentage points since 2013 to 30.5% in 2018) and in Poland (down 26 percentage points  since 2013 to 34.6% in 2018). Greece was the only EU Member State in which the proportion increased over the same five-year period, up 2 percentage points to 51.0% in 2018.
A full overview of the Eurostat statistics available on income, social inclusion and living conditions is available here

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