About the first cyberwar, an electronic Pearl Harbor
Summary: America’s warriors have long
warned of a cyber attack without warning or declaration of war, an electronic
Pearl Harbor – a day that “will live in infamy.” It happened, and
America did it. We brought cyber warfare into the world, just as we did the
first nuclear attack. Here anthropology professor Maximilian Forte looks at
this historic event.
By Maximilian C. Forte, Professor of Anthropology.
From Zero Anthropology, 25 June 2019.
Reposted with his generous permission.
“A Canadian anthropological approach to the study of
empire and the human condition.”
Sabotaging another
nation’s power grids, or blowing up industrial plants, are actual acts of war
under international law. The term “cyber-terrorism” as used in the title,
almost softens the impact of that fact. In recent months and weeks, the US has
been active – either by its own account, or according to target nations – in
new acts of war that use the digital realm in order to produce concrete effects
on the ground. Venezuela, which suffered debilitating power outages in March,
laid at least some of the blame on alleged cyber attacks by the US. The US
certainly possesses the means to engage in such cyber-warfare, and has actually
done so. Iran is a case in point. Not only has Iran allegedly been targeted in
recent days, but it was also targeted by Obama with the aid of Israel. This requires
that we review the case of the Stuxnet Worm.
Why does it matter that
we should be aware and informed about the Stuxnet Worm? What is Stuxnet, and
what can it do? Who has actually used it, and to what effect? What are the
consequences for all of us, now that Stuxnet has been unleashed worldwide?
Americans live under a
state which tells them that their country is “the target” of nefarious foreign
attackers that engage in cyber-terrorism or other cyber-crimes against the US.
They will rarely, if ever, be aware of the fact that it is their own country
which has committed the most dangerous and widespread cyber-terrorism – and
that as a result, Americans are now vulnerable to the very same computer
technologies that their country first deployed against others. This is yet
another instance of what others have critiqued as “American innocence”.
Zero Days (2016).
Written and directed
by Alex Gibney, Zero Days
(2016; see IMDB) is a documentary film that runs for just over
113 minutes. The film is briefly described on IMDB as follows: “A documentary focused on Stuxnet, a
piece of self-replicating computer malware that the U.S. and Israel unleashed
to destroy a key part of an Iranian nuclear facility, and which ultimately
spread beyond its intended target”.
Alex Gibney has made
several important and well-received documentaries, a number of which will be
reviewed on this site. He certainly is a prolific filmmaker, focusing on topics
that have generated the biggest headlines, or focusing on major personalities.
The fact that he is able to churn out such large documentaries in relatively
short order (showing that he must be working on another film even before finishing
the latest work), is a fact that has attracted some critical commentary,
especially when some see work such as Zero Days being little
more than a film version of the Wikipedia entry on Stuxnet.
For my part, I am quite
sceptical of Gibney’s political aims – at the very least, he is guilty of some
hypocrisy. While Gibney is proud to showcase the fact that he sought out leakers
for his Zero Days film, in order to tell us the secrets about
Stuxnet, he nonetheless smeared Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for doing the same
thing, only better, and on a wider range of topics. We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks
– a damning title by itself – was one of Gibney’s
previous films, which of course won high praise by the media in the US.
The fact that NPR has come out and positively publicized Zero
Days should be a warning that we view this film with some caution.
Otherwise, I will continue to view and review other films by Gibney, just as I
do with other filmmakers whose productions deserved criticism.
You can view a trailer
for Zero Days below.
The Sheriff is the Outlaw.
The film begins with an
extract from an Iranian state TV documentary that reenacts the Israeli
terrorist assassination of two nuclear scientists in Iran on 29 November 2010.
Voice-overs from the mainstream US media refer to the terrorism as “major
strategic sabotage”. The film accompanies the Iranian documentary’s action with
an Israeli speaker – an anonymous Mossad senior operative – silhouette only,
voice distorted electronically, speaking to us from the shadows about the
“nature of life” as being one where “evil” and “good” live “side by side”. He
continues by “explaining” that there is an “unbalanced” and “unequivalent”
(i.e., asymmetric) conflict between “democracies” that “play by the rules” –
the rules shown include the targeted murder of scientists – versus “entities”
that “think democracy is a joke”. Presumably terrorism is about making enemies
take democracy a little more seriously? In other words, the opening of the film
is appropriately sinister, cynical, and menacing.
There is also a certain
candour to the film as presented in the words of the Israeli Mossad speaker.
There is indeed an asymmetric battle. Had Iran attacked nuclear scientists on
the streets of Israel, the Western media would call it a terrorist attack,
and Iran would likely be bombed. Instead, Iran is just supposed to absorb
Western terrorism, like Americans tolerate rain or a windy afternoon. It is
somehow Iran’s natural duty to suffer us. There is also a candidly
twisted interpretation of “the rules”: Western powers get to invent their own
special rules, ones that are in direct violation of international law. This is
what is actually meant by the “rules-based international order” slogan one
hears from the mouths of Western leaders today. The sheriff is the outlaw. The
punishment is the crime.
What the anonymous Mossad
operative refuses to answer is whether the murder of the Iranian scientists was
related to the Stuxnet computer attacks – which are the central focus of this
documentary. He is followed by a whole array of experts (one of whom is Gen.
Michael Hayden, former CIA and NSA director), each refusing to speak about the
Stuxnet Worm, and they all seem visibly uncomfortable just for having been
asked. Some explain that it is because it is “classified”. Whomever was behind
the Stuxnet attack, they have refused to take official responsibility. However,
what is interesting is that these individuals even refuse to simply comment on
the press reports of an event that actually happened.
The narrator adds: “Even
after the cyber-weapon had penetrated computers all over the world, no one was
willing to admit that it was loose, or talk about the dangers it posed”. This
film is an attempt to counteract the silence that has been imposed, so that it
can be debated publicly.
The question posed by the
filmmaker is this: “What was it about the Stuxnet operation that was hiding in
plain sight?” And they suggest that maybe there was a way that the computer
code could speak for itself.
How Does Stuxnet Work? Who Made It? Who was the Target?
The Stuxnet Worm, which
can be delivered by a USB memory stick, is not meant to steal information. It
is instead meant to cause industrial systems to malfunction dangerously, while
impeding the ability to electronically monitor such systems and to shut them
down before a catastrophic event occurs. Stuxnet was used against Iran’s nuclear
The films seeks the
insight of experts at Symantec Research Labs in Santa Monica, California (Eric
Chien, emergency security response), and at Kaspersky Lab in Moscow, where the
filmmaker speaks with Eugene Kaspersky himself. Also at Kaspersky, Vitaly
Kamluk explains that there are three principal types of cyber-attackers:
1. “traditional cyber-criminals interested
only in illegal profit” looking for “quick and dirty money”;
2. activists, or
“hacktivists,” hacking either for the sport of it or to promote a
particular political idea; and,
3. nation-states,
“interested in high-quality intelligence or sabotage activity”.
Much of the commentary
from cyber-security analysts is about the size and nature of the Stuxnet code,
and how they collaborated across companies to share the code and their analyses
of it. We learn some interesting details here.
Stuxnet first surfaced in
Belarus. Sergey Ulasen is interviewed in the film; he was the anti-virus expert
who first discovered Stuxnet. Ulasen discovered it when his clients in Iran
began to call him in a panic over an epidemic of mysterious computer shutdowns.
The malware was first identified on June 17, 2010. What stood out about this
code was its “zero days” components. A “zero day exploit,” as explained
by Eric Chien, is simply a piece of computer code that allows it to spread
without having to be activated by anyone. One does not need to download an
infected file and run it. A zero day exploit is also defined as an exploit that
nobody knows about except those who created it – and therefore no patch has
been released to counteract it. There are thus “zero days [worth of]
protection” against the code.
Stuxnet itself contained
four zero days exploits, all by itself, when typically cyber-security might
find 12 zero days in an entire year, among millions of viruses. Stuxnet, with
so many zero days in it, would probably fetch half a million dollarsand –
therefore it was unlikely to have been the product of some ordinary criminal
gang, but a much more powerful entity. Eugene Kaspersky also discounts the
possibility that it was produced by cyber-activists or hacktivists. A
consultant in Hamburg came to the conclusion that, given the sophistication of
Stuxnet, it had to be the product of at least one nation-state.
Stuxnet’s creators stole
its digital certificates from two companies, both in Taipei, and both in
extremely close physical proximity to each other, as Eric Chien of Symantec
explains. “Human assets” had to be involved – spies – in order to extract the
digital certificates, which are guarded behind multiple layers of physical
security and not resting on a machine connected to the Internet.
The other significant
aspect of the Stuxnet code is that it was designed to specifically target Siemens machinery,
but the code analysts were not sure which kind of machinery. Then they
discovered that Siemens PLCs (programmable logic controllers) were the intended
target. A PLC is typically attached to large pieces of industrial equipment,
like valves, pumps, or motors. PLCs are also used to control electrical power
plants and power grids.
The next big discovery
made by cyber-security analysts was that Stuxnet actively surveyed the systems
with which it came into contact, and would run a series of checks to determine
whether or not the target PLC has been reached. If it had instead come into
contact with some other equipment, it would not activate. The amount of effort
put into targeting one specific target, suggested to the analysts that the
target had to be mightily significant.
Symantec detected Stuxnet
infections across the globe, since it would infect any Windows computers
anywhere in the world. Industrial installations across the US itself were/are
infected with Stuxnet. Cyber-security specialists were immediately alarmed about
the dangerous consequences, where any power system, any industrial production,
could be shut down without warning anywhere in the world. However, they soon
discovered that Iran was the one country in the world that was most infected
with Stuxnet, and this immediately suggested that Iran was the prime target.
To make sense of their
findings, the code analysts had to turn to what was making the news,
geopolitically. They learned that a number of sensitive oil and gas pipelines
coming into and out of Iran were mysteriously exploding. There had also been
assassinations of nuclear scientists.
The next advance came in
identifying the exact industrial control systems that were being targeted,
since the PLC identifier numbers were embedded within Stuxnet’s code. That is
when they discovered that the targets were frequency converters from two
specific manufacturers, one of which was in Iran. Since the frequency
converters were export-controlled by the US nuclear regulatory commission, this
told the analysts that the target in Iran was a nuclear facility.
One of the distinctive
features of Stuxnet was that it lacked a “call back” component that would
enable direct instructions to be given by an operator to the infecting program.
Stuxnet was thus fully autonomous. Stuxnet was fashioned to unfold in a
facility such as Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility, which is entirely unconnected
to the Internet – it is an “air-gapped” facility. However, as no computer
system is ever truly and fully air-gapped, as long as new code and new
equipment is being introduced, vulnerabilities remain. NSA sources in this film
state that the CIA and/or Mossad used “human assets” to infiltrate Natanz. The
way that was done was to infect various industrial plants that serviced Natanz,
so that contractors would unknowingly carry Stuxnet on a USB key into the
facility at some point, to either conduct a software update or introduce new
Iranian Nuclear Development.
Leaving aside the cyber-security world, the
film turns to David Sanger of The New York Times, who was
investigating the intersections of cyber-crime, espionage, and nuclear weapons.
The emergence of the code alerted Sanger to the fact that an attack was
underway. Sanger found Israelis and Americans who were involved in either
building a piece of Stuxnet, or who had witnessed its construction – the first
big cyber-weapon to be used for offensive purposes. Sanger investigated the
history of Iran’s nuclear program, noting that Iran obtained its first nuclear
reactor from the US itself, during the reign of the Shah.
The film then detours
into a retelling of the history of Iran’s nuclear development, and its alleged
interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. This was a troubling part of the film:
given that this film is aimed at Western, primarily American audiences,
speaking to them through a language and set of narratives that are familiar to
them, Gibney seemed to be framing Iran as a valid target deserving of US
aggression. Iran is shown as the potential “danger,” ironic given the history
of US interventions and invasions in that part of the world.
Note also that virtually
all of Gibney’s “expert” sources on Iran consist of former US intelligence
operatives and military officials – we thus hear from Gary Samore, WMD “czar”
from 2009 to 2013, and Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a CIA officer from 1982 to 2005,
among others, including Israeli officials. Totally absent from the discussion
is anyone in the Iranian government, or anyone in Iran. The president of the
American Iranian Council is interviewed, somewhat mitigating the otherwise
complete voicelessness of Iranians. Interestingly, he explains how stringent the
International Atomic Energy Agency’s monitoring regime has been, clearly
suggesting that Iran was not in violation of its international agreements since
it was being thoroughly supervised. He also explained that, under international
treaties, Iran has a right to develop nuclear energy. Thus the president of the
American Iranian Council ends up being the one moderating voice that offers a
little balance in the film, and he is a particularly articulate and intelligent
However, the problem is
not with who supervises the weak, but the fact that no one supervises the
strong. The film sometimes seems to miss this basic point, especially by
framing Iran as a dangerous nuclear threat.
A Scandinavian former
IAEA inspector – who in the film says that he has been to Iran both very few
times, and very many times (just one sentence apart) – claims that the agency
found residues of weapons-grade uranium (isotope 236), which suggested that
Iran had imported it from Pakistan, possibly through the black market.
The one significant
observation that arises is that if Iran sought to build nuclear weapons, it was
in response to the US invasion of Iraq as part of Operation Desert Storm in
1991. This demonstrated to Iran the extent of the threat posed by the US to
even the most formidable militaries of the region, and thus the need for an
extra layer of defense. Iranian fears were further amplified with the direct
threats made by George W. Bush from 2002 onward, when he labeled Iran as part
of an “axis of evil”. If this argument is correct – the film tends to present
speculation from US officials as incontestable fact – then Iran was certainly
justified and its response was both reasonable and wise. Indeed, the real
mystery is why Iran would not pursue, or is not pursuing nuclear weapons
The Cyber Option and Israel’s Role.
What led to the
deployment of Stuxnet? By 2007/2008, the Bush administration was bogged down in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and after the WMD fiasco, the film narrative suggests,
Bush was not confident about openly challenging Iran over its nuclear program.
According to one of the film’s sources, Condoleeza Rice essentially told Bush,
“you know, Mr. President, I think you’ve invaded your last Muslim country, even
for the best of reasons”. Bush also did not want to let the Israelis attack
Iran, since that would have immediately drawn the US into war with Iran.
In fact, as Gen. Michael
Hayden attests in the film, Israel lacks the independent capacity to launch and
sustain a military attack on Iran without US assistance. General Hayden then
adds an astute observation: “there would be many of us in government thinking
that the purpose of the raid wasn’t to destroy the Iranian nuclear system, but
the purpose of the raid was to put us at war with Iran”.
Another key point made by
Hayden in the film is that the Bush administration wanted to avoid a situation
where a future president was reduced to one of only two options: either bomb
Iran, or Iran developed a nuclear bomb. This seems to be the corner into which
Trump is painting himself.
Since the US, under Bush,
was not willing to engage Iran in a direct military confrontation, it was the
Israeli government under Netanyahu that proposed an alternative means to
attacking Iran. A joint group of Israeli and US intelligence officials then
advanced the idea to Bush of devising and deploying what came to be known as
the Stuxnet worm.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visiting the uranium enrichment facility
at Natanz in 2008. AP/Iranian President’s office.
One of the mistakes made
by Iran was the publication of a large number of photographs showing Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad touring the Natanz nuclear facility, in the company of numerous key
scientists – thus inadvertently aiding Israel in its targeting. One of the scientists
appearing in a photo, standing behind Ahmadinejad was assassinated a few months
later. Another thing shown by the photos were computer screens displaying
arrays of centrifuges that were being monitored. The array of centrifuges
showed six groups, each group with 164 items – numbers that perfectly matched
what was found in the Stuxnet code. Thus the photos seem likely to have aided
the process of devising the attack code.
The Attack.
Centrifuges for enriching
uranium contain rotors spinning at the speed of sound, with some parts of the
centrifuge made of carbon fibres (which shrink with heat), and other parts made
of metal (which expand with heat). Maintaining the integrity of a centrifuge is
thus delicate and sensitive. Iran’s centrifuges are proudly featured every
April for “National Nuclear Day”. The IAEA inspector in the film is
particularly impressed with the complexity, professionalism, and sophistication
of Iranian facilities. Iran’s centrifuges were specifically targeted by
How Stuxnet actually
operates is graphically demonstrated in the film – and for me, this was the
most memorable feature of the documentary. {See this video by FireEye, a major
cybersecurity firm,}
The demonstration aside,
what Stuxnet was designed to do was sit and wait within the Natanz nuclear
facility, and to record and save all operations. Once the required amount of
time had passed for the full cascade of centrifuges to be filled with uranium
being enriched, Stuxnet would then activate. Its first step was to vastly
increase the revolutions of centrifuge rotors to the point that uncontrollable
revolutions would rupture the centrifuge. The second step was to block any
communication of an emergency to the controllers, by reproducing the old data
that it had recorded. The third step was to prevent the controllers from
shutting down the centrifuges, by disabling all the kill switches.
The only cyber-security
specialists who appears resistant to attributing Stuxnet to the US, is the
US-based analyst at Symantec, Eric Chien. He does make the valuable point – one
deliberately sidestepped by the US media and US politicians – that attribution
is very difficult to make, and the traces that lead back to a supposed origin
can be faked. (The assertion made by US intelligence agencies about having
evidence suggesting Russian hacking was thus always, at best, highly dubious
from the outset.)
The Voice of the Leakers.
To ascertain the facts of
US and Israeli collaboration in the production and use of Stuxnet, Gibney
avails himself of leaks and whistle-blowers in Washington, DC. (It’s only
permissible to do so when Gibney does it, unlike his treatment of WikiLeaks’
Julian Assange who did the same.) Gibney comments: “while D.C. is a city of
secrets, it is also a city of leaks. They’re as regular as a heartbeat and just
as hard to stop” – which again underscores the opportunism of his critique of
WikiLeaks in another of his films.
Gibney’s anonymous
sources, compiled into one fictionalized character speaking in the film as if
she were a hologram, testify that “we” created Stuxnet (“we” was undefined at
that point). At the same time – and this strained credulity – these
intelligence operatives somehow felt remorse because “we came so fucking close
to disaster,” and for some reason, on this subject alone, it is necessary that
the intelligence agencies “get the story right” for the public interest. It
seemed like a charming idea: democratic accountability – all of a sudden. It’s
possible, but also suggests we interpret their statements with due caution.
Gibney’s sources claim
that Stuxnet was the product of a huge “multinational, interagency operation”.
The agencies were the CIA, NSA, the Pentagon’s Cyber-Command; in the UK, the
GCHQ; “but the main partner” was the Israeli Mossad. The technical work was
done by Mossad’s Unit 8200. Now the narrative shifts: “Israel is really the key
to the story”. Another source claims that “much of the coding work was done by
the [US] National Security Agency and Unit 8200”.
Further bolstering the
case against the so-called “Libya model” – ending a nuclear weapons program,
disarming, and transferring all materials to the US – this film’s anonymous NSA
sources testify to Libya’s centrifuges (P1s) having been studied at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory because they were the same kind in use in Iran. Having
Libya’s equipment allowed the US to use the items to help engineer Stuxnet, or
what the NSA and Cyber-Command called “Olympic Games” or OG. The Israelis also
did tests using the Libyan P1 centrifuges.
The US: Against International Law.
Through espionage, the US
also obtained the plans for Iran’s newer centrifuges, the IR2s. In the tests
run by the US, they were able to explode the centrifuges by manipulating the
rotors. After inviting President Bush to examine shards of the destroyed
centrifuges, he reportedly approved the use of Stuxnet. There were no reported
concerns expressed by anyone in Bush’s cabinet about the fact that using
Stuxnet would constitute an undeclared act of war.
To avoid any legal
troubles with the incoming Obama administration, operatives under Bush
installed a kill date in the Stuxnet code (January 11, 2009). This was just
days before Obama’s inauguration. The desire to bring the operation to a close
before Obama’s team took over, is at least tacit recognition of the illegality
of the program. Of course, Obama reauthorized the program within his first year
in office.
Obama was devoted to
cyber-“defense” to protect critical infrastructure in the US – which actually
meant he was committed to offensive operations aimed at paralyzing other
countries’ critical infrastructure. One can never escape the American
international modus operandi of inversion and projection.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of cyber-spending under Obama’s budget was
devoted to the development of cyber-weapons for offensive purposes.
Under Obama, a whole
range of new and powerful cyber-weapons were to be developed. Stuxnet was just
the opening shot.
International law, with
strict reference to the use of cyber-weapons, is “written” by custom, as
explained by a US official in the film. Customary law requires a nation-state
to at least say what it did, and why – which the US will not do. Thus the norm
has become: do whatever you can get away with doing. This is a world which the
US has created, as much as it cries innocence today.
Initially, Stuxnet was
deemed a success. Centrifuges did blow up in Iran’s nuclear facilties, a fact
verified by IAEA inspectors. Whole groups of centrifuges were dismantled, and a
number of nuclear scientists were fired. There were other consequences, as will
always be the case, which the US could not control.
Coming Home to Roost.
After the attack, Obama
only then began to worry about how Russia and China could do the same to the
US, with the added justification of the precedent set by the US itself. Obama
knew that word would get out eventually, as it did. Nonetheless, Obama
persevered with the program.
Another problem with
Stuxnet is that it was spread all over the world, infecting all sorts of
machines, just so the US and Israel could get at their Iranian targets. The
charge made by NSA sources in the film is that the Israelis took the US code,
changed it, making it much more aggressive, and then launched it without US
agreement. These sources, (feigning?) great indignation at the rude and
inconsiderate Israelis, contradict earlier claims in the film that Stuxnet was
approved for use by both Bush and Obama.
By spreading far and
wide, the Stuxnet code ended up in Russian hands, where Russian state security
experts could study it and potentially use it, while Iran itself also did the
same. Unlike other weapons, when cyber-weapons are used they can be apprehended
intact on the receiving end. The Department of Homeland Security, supposedly
unaware of what the NSA and CIA had done, grew alarmed when it encountered the
Stuxnet malware, and its potential to do massively destructive and lethal
damage in the
US itself.
The DHS Cybersecurity
Director, Sean McGurk, who speaks in this film, was not aware that he was dealing
with a possible case of the chickens coming home to roost. Likewise, Senator
Joseph Lieberman, on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee,
appears in Senate footage asking – apparently innocently – about the origins of
Stuxnet, and if a nation-state was behind it…not knowing that it was his own.
Of course, what the film does not raise is the question of whether this was all
theatre, to cover for the US violating international law and engaging in war
against Iran.
David Sanger says in the
film …
“the United States government has never acknowledged
conducting any offensive cyber attack anywhere in the world. But thanks to Mr.
Snowden, we know that in 2012 president Obama issued an executive order [Presidential Policy Directive 20] that laid
out some of the conditions under which cyber weapons can be used. And
interestingly, every use of a cyber weapon requires presidential sign-off”.
Given the extensive over-classification
of information on the US role in producing and using Stuxnet, and the fact that
every US government official interviewed or shown in the film denied any
knowledge of US involvement, no real public discussion can develop. This in
itself does further harm to democracy in the US. Even the former NSA and CIA
director, Gen. Hayden, criticizes over-classification in his interview for this
Rather than invite public
debate, the Obama White House went after the whistle-blowers, going as far as targeting
Gen. James Cartwright, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a
criminal investigation. The US and Israel have yet to acknowledge the existence
of the operation, to this day.
The Failure and the Response.
On top of everything
else, Stuxnet did not make a huge impact on the Iranian
nuclear program. In fact, the tiny dip in the number of centrifuges caused by
Stuxnet, was counteracted by a vast and rapid increase in the number of
centrifuges installed by Iran, along with new nuclear facilities. Iran’s
nuclear program became even more advanced, even as it suffered every single
known coercive action thrown at it by the US and its allies, short of direct
The US is itself highly
vulnerable to cyber attacks. US attacks on Iran encouraged Iranians to form a
Cyber Army to fight back. Iran now has one of the largest cyber-armies in the
world, according to the president of the American Iranian Council. Stuxnet did
minimal and temporary damage to Iran, yet unleashed a wave of responses that showed
how use of the cyber-weapon was a major strategic error.
Iran launched two attacks
against the US, according to Richard Clarke in the film: first, Iran attacked
ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil company, and they erased all
software, every line of code, from about 30,000 computer devices; second,
Iranians allegedly launched a surge attack on US banks. The clear message was
that, if provoked further, Iran had it within its means to disrupt the US
financial system and the world energy market.
Had Iran not responded,
the US apparently had a much larger plan (“Nitro Zeus”) for total cyberwar
against Iran, which included shutting down its power grids, disrupting military
and civilian communications, and disabling defenses.
There is a great deal of
information in this film that would be interesting to those who are new to
geopolitics, but that is also largely peripheral to the film’s core story. Thus
a lot of time is spent (wasted) on self-flattering operational histories told
by Israeli fighter pilots and US spies, or a New York Times journalist
reciting the most basic essentials of his published stories, or American
government officials presenting their preferred version of Iranian history. On
the whole, the film is about one full hour too long, and it can
make for long stretches of tiresome viewing of tendentious material.
This film would be
appropriate for courses in International Relations, Political Science, Middle
East Studies, and any courses dealing with US intervention and/or cyber-terrorism.
Generally, the more critical reviews of this film are on solid ground,
particularly those targeting the film’s deficit of any new information, and the
fact that it provides very little that is not already covered by books, news
reports and even Wikipedia. The visuals in the film are mostly limited to
talking heads, news footage from Iran, and endless animations of layers of
computer code – visually, it is not a very engaging or memorable film. However,
given that the film can provoke numerous important questions and in some cases
provides some very interesting answers, plus the fact that it effectively
condenses available knowledge, it merits a score of 6.75/10.
This documentary review forms
part of the cyberwar series of
reviews on Zero Anthropology. This film was viewed five times
before the review was written and published.
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